Supply chain managers have never been under more pressure to perform to perfection. They know that good suppliers are integral to meet the expectations of their customers and their ever increasing demand for excellence in the product and quality of the services they offer.
Aerospace Alloys Inc.’s Certified Quality Clinic helps drive process and quality improvements internally so that our clients can meet those expectations. The Quality Clinic utilizes a team of experts and engages our employees to utilize appropriate measurement equipment and facilities for the purpose of rapidly diagnosing, investigating and eliminating the root causes of product and process non-conformance.
This includes the physical quality clinic and the processes that support the total root cause investigation. There are 7 Key Elements necessary to have a successful Quality Clinic:
- People – Everyone in the company is considered an extension of the quality clinic system, but a subset of individuals is the core quality clinic team. Having trained individuals in Root Cause Analysis, Corrective Action and QCPC (Quality Clinic Process Charting) is key.
- Physical Location – Should be a dedicated area close to the value stream that is clean, quiet and bright.
- Gauging and Equipment – Should have an optical comparator, critical gauging equipment and a computer.
- Visual Management – Clearly labeled system of racks or shelves to store and track material as it is processed through the problem solving methodology
- Documented Process Flow – Should illustrate the documented process flow of customer, internal and supplier non-conforming material using flow charts or other visuals.
- Metrics – An important part of monitoring and measuring the quality clinic effectiveness.
- Management Performance Review – Management should meet regularly with the core clinic team to review key business metrics. Management support is vital for Quality Clinic success.
At Aerospace Alloys the Quality Clinic system is a valuable tool in our quality improvement strategy. With this system we will drive quality performance higher to meet or exceed our client’s expectations.